Our Mission is to have fun while teaching meaningful skills that are long-lasting and life-changing.


What is ABA?

ABA or Applied Behavior Analysis is the standard of care for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. ABA therapy is rooted in the scientific study of the principles of learning and behavior therapy, we use specialized assessment methods to understand what motivates your child. We use this motivation to teach your child socially significant behaviors. For more information, go to www.bacb.com

Who is eligible for ABA?

ABA Therapy has been to benefit a wide range of populations but is most consistently used as a treatment for autism spectrum disorders. Any individual needing to improve in a developmental or behavioral area would be considered “eligible” for ABA therapy. Some insurance companies only provide coverage to those individuals who hold an autism spectrum diagnosis.

What skills are targeted in an ABA therapy program?

ABA treatment is frequently used to build such skills as:

  • Adaptive living skills (including feeding, dressing, bathing, etc.)
  • Expressive language (including labeling objects, people, and emotions)
  • Receptive language (including following directions, selecting objects from a larger field)
  • Play & leisure skills (including how to play with toys, expanding interests outside of electronics)
  • Social skills (including initiating conversations, responding to questions from peers, engaging in interactive play)
  • Basic academic skills and pre-academic skills
  • Ready-to-learn behaviors (including sitting in a chair at a desk or table, refraining from grabbing materials when presented, and looking at the instructor)

What happens during an ABA assessment?

There are several assessment programs at our disposal- but each assessment starts with a conversation with you (the child’s parents). We’ll ask you lots of questions about you child’s developmental history and any concerns you may have. We’ll also review any outside assessments that have been completed by other providers and/or your child’s school. Once we have that information, we can determine which assessment we will use. The assessments we use include:

  • VB-MAPP (Verbal Behavior Milestone Placement and Program, developed by Mark L. Sundberg)
  • ABLLS-R (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills, developed by Dr James Partington)
  • AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills, developed by Dr. James Partington)
  • FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)

How long are therapy session?

Therapy sessions range anywhere from 1-3 hours in length. Therapy sessions are not typically scheduled for less than 1-hour after the initial assessment is completed.

Is ABA the same as VB?

ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis and is the term for the scientific field that supports ABA. VB stands Verbal Behavior and it is specific approach to approach to teaching language skills utilizing the principals of ABA.

What ages does SGBS serve?

We generally serve individuals across the lifespan starting at 2-years of age (and up).

How much does ABA Therapy cost?

The cost of services depends on the intensity of services your child requires and if you are using insurance for services. An outline of the cost of therapy for your child can be estimated during a phone call with either our Clinical Director (Inonge’ Mason) or Billing Specialist (Stacey Hall).

Does SGBS accept private insurance?

SGBS is currently in-network with the following commercial insurance carriers including AETNA PPO,
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, CIGNA PPO, & Optum Behavioral Health PPO.

Does SGBS accept public insurance?

SGBS is currently in-network with Illinois’s County Care serving Cook County Illinois residents with qualifying diagnosis.


Inonge has utilized her expertise to provide professional development to staff.  She has worked with our students to support their behavioral needs. Her strategies support teachers and students. Inonge has also been available to meet with parents to support the team relationship between the home and school environment.”


Director of Student Services

Better Behavioral Care is Our Mission



13136 S. Western Avenue Blue Island, IL 60406